Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chapter 2-A {The Oath}

You must be feeling bored by now reading my long posts! :) so here comes your first lesson before you start training your body start with your Mind and Spirit.
My master use to tell me that: 
" if you want to become a good martial artist you should have a clean heart"

So, from now on take an oath that you should
  • Be loyal to your country. 
  • Be obedient to your parents. 
  • Have faith and honor among friends. 
  • Perseverance in battle. 
  • Justice --- never cause unneeded harm.
practice these 5 principle and you will see a drastic change in your life!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Chapter 1-C {Getting Started]

There is a mountain of misinformation available on internet. When someone makes the commitment to train, and then seeks information on how to begin, they are almost always overwhelmed and confused. That's why i decided to start this blog. I hope that my teaching will help a lot of people. I don't consider my self a master. i will always remian a humble student if you have any thing to teach me, it will be a pleasure for me to learn it from you!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chapter 1-B {Body, Mind and Spirit}


The first aspect, Body, is developed through the physical exercises involved in martial arts training. Rigorous physical conditioning exercises lead to increased strength, endurance, flexibility and equilibrium. In addition, repetition of martial arts basic and advanced techniques leads to improved physical ability and fluidity of movement.


The second aspect, Mind, is developed through mental training. Meditation teaches the student to focus his mind and to coordinate his thinking with his movement. It also aids him in his abilities to relax and to concentrate. Mental training also calls for active learning in the way of listening, reading and thinking. Students are not to restrict themselves to learning just about the martial arts, but must learn about history, philosophy, law, science, medicine and any other subject that might have a bearing on the martial arts.


The third aspect is Spirit. Practice of the martial arts is a pursuit of personal improvement. It is not enough to have a strong mind and body the true martial artist should also strive to be strong in spirit. He should have a goal in life and a firm foundation of beliefs to guide him. The true martial artist is humble but confident, willing to give way to others but unwilling to accept injustice.

By developing all three aspects a martial artist can become a total person and eventually a master. Without equal development of all three aspects, a martial artist will never achieve balance in his life and will never be a true artist.

Will will start teaching all these there aspect in detail and will start from very basics!

So stick around coz you can not afford to miss this!! :P
Looking forward for your feedback!


Humble Ninja

Chapter 1-A {Concept and Philosophy}

This is very important before you start training ! so i request all of you to read it completely and try to understand!

The first question that arise in one's mind is:

Q)What are Martial Arts?

Ans) The term martial arts refers to all of the various systems of training for combat that have been arranged or systematized.

Q) Philosophy of Martial arts?
Ans) The martial arts are both art and science. The word “art" is defined as the activity of creating beautiful things and the word “science" is defined as a methodological activity, discipline, or study". While these two definitions are correct, I prefer the contributions of an anonymous poet: “Art is a passions pursued with discipline science is a discipline pursued with passion". At their most basic level, the martial arts are nothing more than ways to prevent someone from harming or killing you. At their highest aspiration, the martial arts are paths to self-knowledge and the expression of beauty.

The martial artist must be both scientist and artist. He must learn the traditions, theories, principles, laws and techniques upon which martial artistry is based. He must then practice them with passion and discipline so as to properly learn and understand what he is doing. Only then can he master himself and the martial arts.

Q) Aim of a martial artist?
Ans)There are three aspects of being, which the martial arts aim to develop: Body, Mind and Spirit. These three aspects must be developed in balance for a person to become properly balanced as a martial artist and therefore as a person.

We will discuss these three aspect in detail !


Our mission is to teach the people who can not afford Self Defense or have no schools to learn about Protecting Arts.
Our mission is to make our students more successful in life through their practice of Martial arts. We do this by teaching martial arts as a complete discipline (mind, body and spirit) which in addition to developing physical defense encourages the formation of high personal standards and respect for fellow men and women. Through our practice and teaching , we strive to produce individuals who are positive, respected and contributing members of society. Martial arts training improves physical ability, health and willpower, it gives an individual an excellent method of exercise and a competitive sports. Martial arts is not just a sport its a complete way of life.
We will be teaching from very basic so you don't have to worry about if you have a martial arts back ground or not!

What will you learn here?
Ans) We will be teaching you :
  • Warm-up and conditioning exercises
  • How to make a fist, stance, punching, blocking, kicks
  • Punching and blocking combination
  • Kicking, punching and blocking combination
  • Elbow and knee strikes
  • Self-defense (Male/Female)
  • Traditional Weapons
  • Anger management
  • Non-violent conflict resolution
I request all of you to post your feed back and share this blog with other.

Humble Ninja!